Dairy Products Have More Growth Potential

Corey Geiger , Abbi Prins and Billy Roberts

July 17, 2024

Key Points

  • Most U.S. consumers purchase dairy, which is also the largest category in retail. Over the next three years, approximately 90% of people have no plans to reduce their dairy product purchasing behavior.
  • Globally, the cheese snack market is projected to reach $75.1 billion this year, and it could grow at a compound annual growth rate of 6.5% through 2034.
  • Private labels are outpacing brands in 10 of the 15 dairy categories. Store brand options making considerable inroads include yogurt, cream cheese, cream and creamers.
  • The lactose-free product category provides a simple, yet relevant, tool of innovation for dairy processors to help reach the 120 million Americans who cannot enjoy traditional dairy products due to some form of lactose intolerance.
  • Consumers’ tastes and purchasing patterns continue to evolve, and that means dairy processors, manufacturers and marketers need to innovate, too.

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