Driving growth through strategic collaboration

River Valley Cooperative, headquartered in Davenport, Iowa, has experienced steady growth over the last 20 years. But recently, that growth has accelerated—doubling the size of its business in just five years through multiple acquisitions. These procurements include one Iowa energy company and two private Illinois grain operations, allowing the century-old co-op further expansion of its Illinois trade area, ensuring its 3,400 member-owners are set up for future success.

RVC is a full-service agricultural cooperative, serving farmers to provide agronomy support, grain merchandizing services, feed supplies and energy products—including propane and refined fuels. RVC is a forward-thinking organization, with a goal to increase the efficiency and productivity of its member-owners’ agricultural operations.

“Historically, we have grown our footprint slowly and methodically, but as we adapt to market changes and emerging technologies—especially over the last five years—we recognized the need to expand more rapidly,” said Tim Burress, CEO of RVC.

It’s not just great teamwork, it’s a true partnership.

To accommodate the expansion, the co-op partnered with CoBank to facilitate the purchase of two separate grain companies.

“We have an established relationship with CoBank, dating back nearly 30 years. What I appreciate most about our partnership is how seamless it is. As a fellow cooperative, they understand our business—there isn’t a need for a transfer of knowledge. They just understand and execute,” Burress said.

In 2024, CoBank provided term financing debt for capital expenditures and working capital for RVC’s most recent acquisition of Rumbold and Kuhn Inc. The purchase added seven grain elevator locations and ramped up its storage capacity by an additional 24 million bushels of grain.

“This acquisition allowed us to expand our territory, bringing on 40 additional full-time employees and over 1,000 new customers. This is a significant benefit to our organization and to the communities we serve, and CoBank was a major factor in getting it done,” Burress said. “We also appreciate that CoBank is guided by the same principles. They understand our business—including the peaks and valleys of our seasonal needs and our commitment to community,” Burress said.

In addition to a financial relationship, RVC and CoBank partner together through the bank’s Sharing Success program, a $5 million fund that matches donations made by its customers to nonprofit organizations within their communities. Each year, RVC provides $250,000 in charitable giving, including a $10,000 match from CoBank through the Sharing Success program.

“Our strength as a cooperative is only as powerful as our community. Whether it’s through economic impact with our growth and acquisitions, or annual contributions, we are committed—and proud—to partner with a bank that shares those same values. It’s not just great teamwork, it’s a true partnership,” Burress said.

This story was originally published in the CoBank 2024 Annual Report.