Emmie Noyes

Industry Analyst

Emmie Noyes

Emmie Noyes is an industry analyst in CoBank’s Knowledge Exchange research division, primarily supporting the grains, oilseeds and farm supply sectors.

Prior to joining CoBank, Ms. Noyes was a financial assistant with WT Equipment and a grain merchandising intern with Scoular. In addition, Ms. Noyes previously owned Daisy Hill Performance Horses, in Linwood, Kansas, where she trained young and problem horses. She is an experienced competitive barrel racer.

Ms. Noyes earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in agricultural business from University of Arkansas where she studied grain merchandising as the Fryar Price Risk Management Center of Excellence Research Fellow. Ms. Noyes was a finalist in the Arkansas Governor’s Cup Collegiate Business Plan Competition, where she pitched an agri-tech startup to assist producers with crop insurance enrollment and claim processes.